Stainless Steel Snap Hook with Screw & Eyelet DIN5299-China LG™

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Stainless Steel Snap Hook with Screw & Eyelet DIN5299-China LG™



Stainless Steel Snap Hook with Screw & Eyelet DIN5299-China LG™.

Stainless Steel Locking Carbine Snap Hook (also called Locking Carbine Snap Hook with eyelet)has more strength and safer via adding a screw and an eyelet.

من 5299 snap hook is made by high polished stainless steel with advanced international production process.

It can be used to fast and effectively connect the protection.And the most important and convinent usage of it is carrying goods.

Besides that,it have excellent corrosion resistant and brightness surface.So it could be use in decoration or the place with higher requirements.

spring snap Hook with screw & Eyelet is normally required for use by the food and beverage industry.

It is also an excellent finish for use in applications with extreme exposure to dust, chemicals or environmental (such as salt water).


تقني & تطبيق

ملاحظات فنيةConform to DIN5299
ماديالفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ AISI 316 أو AISI 304
تجهيزختم / الالات
السطح النهائيتلميع عالي / طلاء الكهربي
حجم5المليمتر , 6المليمتر , 7المليمتر , 8المليمتر , 9المليمتر , 10المليمتر , 11المليمتر , 12المليمتر , 13المليمتر , 14المليمتر
النصائحليس لرفع النفقات العامة


Specification-Stainless Steel Snap Hook with Screw & Eyelet DIN5299
Stainless Steel Snap Hook with Screw&Eyelet DIN5299

الجزء رقم.حجم(المليمتر)D(المليمتر)A(المليمتر)C(المليمتر)د1(المليمتر)ذ.م.م(رطل)


تفاصيل-صور البضائع الحقيقية

Stainless Steel Snap Hook with Screw & Eyelet DIN5299-China LG™

Stainless Steel Snap Hook with Screw & Eyelet DIN5299-China LG™

Stainless Steel Snap Hook with Screw & Eyelet DIN5299-China LG™


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