Stainless Steel Grab Handle Connection-China LG Supply

Stainless Steel Grab Handle Connection-China LG Supply

  • Descripción

Stainless Steel Grab Handle Connection-China LG Supply



Stainless Steel Grab Handle Connection-China LG Supply.

The cleat material is made of stainless steel, resistencia a la corrosión, sin miedo a la corrosión del agua de mar.

Mirror polishing by hand so the reflection is clearly visible.

Highly polishing surface finished with mirror-like appearance. es hermoso y generoso, también puede combinar con barcos y yates modernos.

The processingmodel we use wax shooting and wax model and shell and dewax and dry and then casting and heat treatment and shot blasting and inspection and final packing.


Técnico & Característica

MaterialStainless Steel AISI316
Acabado superficialMirror Polishing


Specification-Stainless Steel Grab Handle Connection

Nº de pieza.LDD2


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