EVR Ring Alloy Forged-China LG Manufacture

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EVR Ring Alloy Forged-China LG Manufacture



EVR Ring Alloy Forged-China LG Manufacture.

EVR Ring Alloy is forged by super alloy steel with high intensity and high toughness, and then it is heat treated.

It can be match with sling and G80 chains which can meet the standard EN818-2.


तकनीकी & आवेदन

सामग्रीSuperior Alloy Steel
सुरक्षा का पहलू5 : 1
प्रसंस्करणजाली / क्वेंच्ड और टेम्पर्ड.
सतह समाप्तचूरन लेपित
डब्ल्यूएलएल8T , 10T
सलाहColor Code : Customized according to customers’ requirements
टिप्पणीNever exceed Working Load Limit


विनिर्देश – EVR Ring Alloy Forged
EVR Ring Alloy Forged - 8T/10T

Item Codeवज़न (किलोग्राम)WLL/tB.L./tA±0.5B±0.5RDL±1


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