Mooring Chain Swivel WdD Type-Chain LG Supply

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Mooring Chain Swivel WdD Type-Chain LG Supply



Mooring Chain Swivel WdD Type-Chain LG Supply, also known as Chain Swivel WdD Type Fishing & ट्रॉलिंग गियर.

Mooring Swivel-WdD Type is excellent for a large variety of applications.

These eye and enlarged eye swivels are excellent for use with chains to prevent it from twisting.


तकनीकी & आवेदन

सामग्रीSuperior Alloy Steel
सुरक्षा का पहलू5 : 1
सतह समाप्तचूरन लेपित
आकार28मिमी , 32मिमी , 38मिमी
सलाहColor Code : Customized according to customers’ requirements


Specification-Mooring Chain Swivel WdD Type

Mooring Chain Swivel WdD Type-Chain LG Supply

भाग संख्या.WEIGHTKGWLLTAmmBmmCmmDmmEmm


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