Stainless Steel Fixed Snap Shackles-China LG Manufacture

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Stainless Steel Fixed Snap Shackles-China LG Manufacture



Stainless Steel Fixed Snap Shackles-China LG Manufacture.

Stainless Steel Fixed Snap Shackles are made of durable stainless steel for added corrosion resistance in high chloride areas and these are hugely popular within the marine industry.

The Fixed Snap Shackle is available in 52mm,66mm and 96mm.

This snap shackle is made from grade 316 stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance and durability.

And it is ideal for marine and industrial applications.

China LG snap shackle also features a spring loaded captive pin for easy connect/disconnect.

The pin is build into the hook during construction and therefore cannot be detach so you never have to worry about losing parts.


तकनीकी & विशेषता

टाइपFixed Snap Shackles
सामग्रीStainless Steel AISI 304 / AISI 316
सतह समाप्तअत्यधिक पॉलिश किया हुआ
GoodnessCorrosion Resistant


Specification -Stainless Steel Fixed Snap Shackles

Stainless Steel Fixed Snap Shackles-China LG Manufacture

भाग संख्या.सीबीडब्ल्यूएलएलWT


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