G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat-Pasokan LG Cina

G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat-Pasokan LG Cina

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G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat-Pasokan LG Cina



G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat made of superior alloy steel and designed to rotate under load, for all lifting applications.

The body of the g80 clevis deep throat grab hook is quite strong.The grade 80 clevis deep throat grab hook also have cradles that can adjust the length of the chains.

G80 Deep Throat Clevis Grab Hook is forged,dipadamkan dan ditempa,and suitable for en818-2 g80 alloy chains.

Clevis Deep Throat Grab Hook has a safe working load limit of 4:1.The surface finish is yellow and red usually.Of course,you could choose other colors.

Kami memiliki ukuran : 6mm , 7/8mm , 10mm , 13mm.


Teknis & Fitur

BahanBaja Paduan Unggul
Faktor Keamanan4 : 1
PengolahanJatuhkan Ditempa / Dipadamkan dan Ditempa
Permukaan SelesaiDilapisi oleh bubuk
Ukuran6mm , 7/8mm , 10mm , 13mm
TipsKode warna : Disesuaikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan
CatatanJangan pernah melebihi batas beban kerja


Specification-G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat
G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat-Pasokan LG Cina

Bagian No.BOBOT


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G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat-Pasokan LG Cina G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat-Pasokan LG Cina G80 Clevis Grab Hook Deep Throat-Pasokan LG Cina

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