Parafuso de amarração de aço inoxidável tipo europeu olhal & Eye-China LG™

Parafuso de amarração de aço inoxidável tipo europeu olhal & Eye-China LG™

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Parafuso de amarração de aço inoxidável tipo europeu olhal & Eye-China LG™



Parafuso de amarração de aço inoxidável tipo europeu olhal & Eye-China LG™,aslo known as eye and eye turnbuckles.

Stainless Steel Turnbuckle European Type Eye & Eye features a threaded eye at one end and a threaded eye at the other end.

It is ideal for catenary spans,marine rigging,fencing & architectural use.

Turnbuckles supply tension by adjusting the length for supporting rope,corda de arame, and chain.

At its most basic,a turnbuckle is a couple of threaded eye bolts linked to its torso.However,the end fittings can also be a jaw or hook, depending on the specific need of the turnbuckle.

The instruments at each end (olho, jaw, gancho) are adjustable and thread into the body frame.


Técnico & Característica

Notas TécnicasTipo Europeu
MaterialAço inoxidável (AISI304 / AISI316)
TamanhoM5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20
ProcessamentoCorpo :Elenco / ForgeEyeWeld / Forge
Superfície AcabadaAltamente polido
DicasResistente a corrosão


Specification — Stainless Steel Rigging Screw European Type Eye & Olho

Stainless Steel Turnbuckle European Type Eye & Olho - China LG Supply

Nº da peça.Tamanhoeu(milímetros)L1(milímetros)D(milímetros)WLL(kg)


For any help, pls e-mail our specialists at [email protected] para assistência.


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